Bobby Blue

I am solid, completely grounded; yet I move, consciously, through the metaphysical, into the transcendental, while my feet are firmly planted on the ground. I am a son, a brother and a friend, hoping one day to add to that list: .

Welcome to the World of Bobby Blue

Blind but now I see
Truth lies and in between
A coward dies a thousand deaths
But a just man only one
The courageous stand
For what is right
Bringing the truth
Into the light
I owe nothing
And nothing is owed to
Integrity is bought and sold
Buy those who seek power
And wealth
They pay with their souls
And leave this earth poorer
Then when they came in
Their richies left behind
Heaps of Scraps for their children
To squabble over
“The good life”
But bitter is the fruit from
The poison tree
And the corrupt becomes
The corrupter
They have divided us
Through slight of hand
we’re all chasing the queen
Three card monte
Wake up America!
You’re being played for a fool
The only enemy is hate and fear
those pushing the buttons
Are serving you this dish
Don’t believe the hype
Wake up America
All lives matter!!!
By Robert Skelly
The story of

Robert Skelly

The beat of one’s heart is first set into motion in its mother’s womb. If her love is strong and true their hearts begin to beat in perfect unity. This creates an unbreakable bond between mother and child, a love that reverberates for all eternity. Similarly, when we fall in love with our hearts (which is true love) and not our minds (which are filled with deception and prone to lead us astray) it is because the two hearts in question have become rhythmically sync with one another. When this happens, which is rear, these two hearts play one long song unto eternity and even after these hearts have stopped beating their love song continues to reverberate throughout time and space. This is god’s gift to humans; this is our immortality. —

Brooklyn N.Y. June 17, 1978

Through a sea of steel, concrete and bars
I move and feel.

Jew/Poet Wise Man/Courageous Warrior


Robert Skelly
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18 Apr



Brooklyn NY 11219